Be yourself.
Hi, everyone. This is the homepage of Sean Yan. Over the past 25 years, I alwsys think that being yourself is the cool thing worth you to do. Take a trip when you're young. Learn more when you're young. Be yourself when you're young.
Ten thousand people have ten thousand different Hamlet, this is a problem, there is no fixed answer everyone has their own dream. My dream is to be a hacker, the guy who searching for new technologies. So that, my ideal job may be engineer, game developer, science researcher.
In reality, I'm an Back-End Engineer. My work experience and skills list are as follows. If you interested in me. Contact me with the following e-mail address ( ).
201808, Shanghai
- 语言: Java
- Linux: Bash
- 大数据平台: Spark
- 流式计算: Spark Streaming
- 消息队列: Kafka
- 日志采集: Flume/Zabbix
- 分布式管理: ZooKeeper
- 规则引擎: Drools
- 缓存: Redis
- Java Web开发框架: Spring/Spring Boot/MyBatis
- 数据库相关: MySQL/MongoDB
- 版本控制: Git
- 项目包管理: Maven
- 持续集成: Jenkins
- 原型设计: Axure
- 压力测试: JMeter
- 虚拟化技术: Docker/VMWare
- 云开发平台: 阿里云/微信公众号